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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    @littlelisama Oh that's amazing! I hope my boys are just as adaptable, I stay home, I homeschool (which I'll stop for this upcoming school year due to the twins, but they'll remain at home doing virtual classes) so I will have a lot of time with them to try and establish breastfeeding.
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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    @1answer2 My due date is August 29, but I'm scheduled for 36 weeks. One of my sisters is due in June, the other has the same due date as me lol the only one of us who was actively TTC is the one with my same due date, myself and my other sister were just pleasantly surprised lol I never had any...
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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    @heavenandearth My hospital sent me an IBCLC after both my singletons were born, I didn't even ask, and although I didn't need it I appreciated it. I hope nothing has changed in the last 6 years, and we get the same treatment. I have a feeling I will definitely need the help this go around. I...
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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    @mattbraunlin I had no idea the hospital carried pumps I'll have to ask about that, I also didn't think about a pumping bra (definitely a newbie) I'll be looking into that now, I'm sure that'll make life a little easier
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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    @mattbraunlin I plan on taking the pump I ordered to the hospital with me, I've never pumped so this will be very new to me, I EBF my first two singletons from the moment they were born, but due to our many complications, I was told more likely than not, one if not both will end up in the NICU...
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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    @dallaskay 🥹 I still remember my night nurse with my second born 💕 she was an angel! I hope I get to see her again, my sister got her as a nurse after having her first baby 2 years ago, and she was still the same amazing person I had met years prior. I have definitely been shy about my nurses...
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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    @dallaskay I stay home so it was just the easiest option for me (weaning was always a task!) but I only ever BF singletons, and wonder now how it would be with two. We've had complications since the beginning of this pregnancy, and one is significantly smaller enough than the other to be a...
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    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    I'm due in August with my mo/di boys, and I have a few concerns. I have had two singletons previously (now 6y/o & 9y/o) that I exclusively breastfed; it was the easiest for me, and they never took to any bottles or pacifiers I gave them anyway. Now with the twins I would love to do the same, I'm...