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  1. D

    NICU journey day 3

    I guess I just need to vent. I feel so down today. I’m only on day 3 of a not sure how long journey. My daughter was born 3 days ago at 30w1 day w PRROM. The doctor today referred to her as a “sick baby”. Like WTF does that mean??? My daughter is on oscillator. She as born crying and breathing...
  2. D

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    @daniel7799 My daughter was born at 30w1day. Promed at 28w5d was given both steroid shots. She was in the nicu for 7 weeks basically for oxygen. We did come home on oxygen at 37 weeks. She fed and grew grate but our set back was her lungs. Her lungs were underdeveloped which was probably from...