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  1. C

    My sack of shit cheating husband

    @lynnede Jfc men are trash. It has been 6 years since I had my first kid, 4 years since my final kid. I am just now STARTING to get me libido back. I hate men expect us to be as horny as we were before kids. Being touched out is real.
  2. C

    My kids (5, 7) just left for a 6-day vacation with my husband, why can't I stop crying

    @leadbyexample12 My kids go to my in-laws, out of state, for a week 2x a year. The first night I typically wallow in the sadness of missing them. The next few days I get to do the stuff I want to do. The last day, I’m just so excited to see them that I can’t focus on anything.