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    Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

    @hassahm The parent involvement is key for us. We're keen for screen time to be a social activity rather than something he goes off to do on his own.
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    Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

    @onelostsoul We made this part of our dinner routine each evening (where some people would say grace). We each share something we're grateful for, and invite our son to do so as well ("Did you have something you wanted to share?").
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    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    @ctay6318 I definitely agree with this! It's so hard to know how you'll feel and act before you get there!
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    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    @ctay6318 While I get what you're saying, I do think OP's approach could help, in that sometimes people need to know what the alternatives are. Thinking through specific scenarios, and talking about what you can do to address them instead of spanking could help OP's husband understand the "how"...
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    Dogs and kiddo sharing back yard

    @nonamend Actually, TBF, this probably does depend on your location. Where I live anybody who has a dog would almost certainly take it to a public park every day. So a lot of different dogs are using any given park every day. I'll acknowledge that there could be a different situation elsewhere.
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    Dogs and kiddo sharing back yard

    @wyatt1525 Whatever risk is in your own yard will only be worse in a public park or at the beach, where there are multiple unknown dogs doing their business.
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    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @servantheart I don't think this is a dumb question, and I'd also like to know the answer!
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    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @crocodilehuricane Thanks for the source!