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  1. P

    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @riposa @riposa I love your tagline. I say a similar thing to folks I work with, I'm like "bring on a problem, nothing scares me anymore and I'll be able to handle it.." because damn, everything gets thrown at parents of multiples and it's just another day. I guess that's why I posted this--if...
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @praytogainjesus THANK YOU for getting involved. It's gonna take an army of parents to do this, but LETS ROLL (sorry just had my 4 shot coffee this morning after dropping off the girls).
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @mvh1992 It's so hard mama. I hope you and your SO know you're doing a great job under unbelievably cruel circumstances for working parents. Truly.
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @how2101 This!
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @raaven It does hurt to think about it. Especially as all the news points to a huge recession coming (or really is here??? I'm not an economist but it seems like with the cost of eggs, tech layoffs, I don't know something is afoot). Definitely here if you want to vent about the nerves.
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @samleebr423 Excited that you're excited:) I have found my anxiety go down by trying to do something around this. We've got to try, right?
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @madison_breen I'm DMing you now
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @jay1971 Good point! Our subreddit says it but I didn't say it in the post. So, Agreed.
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @jmfaith I know, it honestly is needed SO BADLY. The stories shared already in our group break my heart-- we are all in the same boat and folks are strong, but this is too hard. Hope you can join our next call!
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @katrina2017 1000% ALL PARENTS welcome. Would love to have you!
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    Hello friends! I posted a while ago when I was in a place of despair about our childcare costs and I wanted to spread the word about Universal Childcare and how a handful of parents from r/workingmoms have decided enough is enough. We're in the beginning stages of banding together to fight for...