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  1. J

    Do you go to bed when your baby does?

    @klsmo3 Mine is 7 weeks and I go to bed when she does. Though it’s usually around 10:30 pm which is my usual bedtime anyway. She consistently takes 5 naps per day, which ends up with a late bedtime. Once we drop to 4 naps (around 3 months ish?) we’ll scoot up bedtime and I’ll probably stay up...
  2. J

    What do your weekday mornings look like?

    @nhope Some of these responses make me feel incredibly lazy lol. I wfh and my husband does drop-offs, our mornings look like this (LO is 21 months old): * 7-7:15 ish - I wake up and doom scroll in bed * 7:45 - LO wakes up and I get her dressed immediately. She has a quick snack like fruit or...