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  1. A

    When did you get excited “again”?

    @galdrun I got excited with my double rainbow baby around 20 weeks at the anatomy scan. It felt like it was safe to do so then and still stuff can happen but the scan mixed with feeling her move let me breathe a little. She’s currently 4 days old in my arms! Enjoy the journey and congrats! I...
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    Daycare questions- what’s normal?

    @clay9000 I have a TON of copper pearl cloth bibs and I sent 5 or so a day with my child to daycare for them to use. I had a super drooly baby and they were good about always keeping a clean one on her. If this is what you prefer, I’d voice it! You can also drop into the daycare anytime and see...
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    Visitors immediately post c-section

    @cbmiller I shook so bad from the epidural, I couldn’t hold my daughter for over an hour post surgery. I needed hours to get myself together.. I would never let anyone in post surgery other than my husband! Stand your ground! It’s so ridiculous to expect visitors are ok that fast after a c section.