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  1. D

    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @dusgfmo I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to go through all of that. I appreciate you sharing your story and am definitely sending good vibes your way!
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @dusgfmo I think the water ultrasound might be one of the only diagnostics that they didn't try! We did the HSG, but they never mentioned a water ultrasound. Out of curiosity, what made them think that you might be a better candidate for IUI as opposed to IVF? My doctor blew off the suggestion...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @rmakolomi Thanks for the ray of hope! I edited the post to include all of the results, but FSH was 6.01.
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @commissionerfd1 Right. It could just be that the hypothyroidism happened to start messing with my cycle immediately after the COVID vaccine, despite having symptoms of hypothyroidism for almost a year at that point. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro-vaccine for COVID 100%! My doctors have said there...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @commissionerfd1 Thanks again. I know what you mean, I was confused about this myself...the numbers I gave were just the stats listed in FF. I'm wondering if a day of spotting confused the app and it assumed that was a period. I've only been able to confidently confirm ovulation a couple times...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @commissionerfd1 Thanks, that's helpful. So, I shouldn't be concerned that my cycles are often different lengths, with varying days of bleeding? My periods were 28 days with 5 days of bleeding without any breakthrough my entire life until COVID vaccine in April 2021 (hypothyroidism undiagnosed...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @ahcadvocacy Basically, my predictable, "normal" periods with a 28 day cycle turned into a 27-35 day cycle with breakthrough bleeding upon getting the vaccine. Obviously hypothyroidism (undiagnosed until a few months ago) could be at play also. I did have 1 month from 4/21-10/21 where I had no...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @ahcadvocacy Do we think it's possible that RE essentially ruled out spontaneous conception due to the fact that they only found 13 follicles? Thanks again for all the info!
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @ahcadvocacy Thanks for your reply! I had been off of hbc for about 6 months when things went wonky. I got the COVID vaccine, didn't get a normal period again until fall, when I was also put on meds for hypothyroidism. I think the reason I was sent to RE is because there were a lot of...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    We finally finished all of the initial testing for our RE. He said everything looked normal besides my husband's relatively low morphology level and my relatively low AMH level (1.7 at almost 33 years old). Basically, he told us it was pointless to do anything other than IVF. I only went in to...