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  1. W

    Really hard day

    @lsjdgj It’s so hard with these little ones. Things can change so fast both good and bad. Sending good thoughts for your little one. I hope you are also taking care of yourself. That is something I have needed to remember. Feeling much better when I nap. We are three weeks in now and I’m getting...
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    Really hard day

    @lifewarrior Yeah it’s just so hard. Was trying to nurse today and my LO was just sleepy so had to go through the tube. The nurse was being nice but said, “just remember it’s not you. You’re doing everything right” and I just cried. Days are rough
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    Really hard day

    @mmair959 I know I hear these alarms in my sleep it feels like. I’m so glad to have my husband who is so supportive and is such an ally in this rough time. So glad to have the medical technology to make it and have both me and my son survive. My blood pressure was so high and while I’m...
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    Really hard day

    @brendini All the NICU nurses keep saying that and I just keep hoping it happens soon. But I have to temper my hope. It’s a process. Learning everyday to not get too high or too low. Just spending as much time as I can with him
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    Really hard day

    @keembo Ah you know exactly my pain then. I’m so sorry. Hopefully this time it all goes according to plan! Hope you get your little one home soon❤️
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    Really hard day

    @i_amtemitope Gosh that is so hard I’m so sorry. The rollercoaster of emotions is so hard. These little guys can take a turn so fast. I hope the best for your LO. Hopefully home soon. ❤️
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    Really hard day

    @keamy Yeah I just have to realize everything is on his time table and he’s a strong guy just have to be patient. Glad you are home with your little one! There is hope for us.
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    Really hard day

    @emotionally_destroyed Just have to remember it will happen eventually. Just have to be patient with him and myself.
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    Really hard day

    @saminni Yeah I need to not think too much about anything. Not put any expectations on anything. Hopefully we are home all together soon ❤️
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    Really hard day

    The highs and low of the NICU rocked me today. My little boy was born at 34+4 due to pre-e. Yesterday I was crying happy tears since my little one had their first breast feed that was his entire feed! I thought it was all up from there but then today had desaturations that scared me and my...