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    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    Thanks - I’d not heard of power pumping so I’ll give it a go! How often would you recommend doing this?
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    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    @texfire316 Thanks for responding! I don’t think I’ve been drinking enough so I’ve tried to do more of that today. Using one of those bottles with hour markers on to remind myself. Sleep is tricky as I’m sure it is for everyone. I’m doing the night shift so my husband is awake enough to go to...
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    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    @leviticusrocks Amazing, thank you so much!
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    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    @parrishchapel I hope you and your son are doing well now? Yes it’s so frustrating. I’m trying to do a bit more skin to skin contact as I’ve been told this can work wonders but it’s so tricky fitting everything into the day with a newborn!
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    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    @manimalcrackers Thank you for sharing with me. Did you do straight formula feeding after 6 weeks then? I’ll give oatmeal a try, nothing to lose!
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    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    Hi all - TLDR: looking for a bit of reassurance about how long it takes to produce enough breast milk for 4 week old’s demands and having to give a lot of formula top up. Long version: I’m a first time mum, 4 weeks postpartum following an emergency c-section after 5 days of unsuccessful...