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  1. E

    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @ronniev You've been pushing a narrative that working mom's are feeling guilty. What is that? There's no berating of moms either. A group realizing that there isn't anything else to discuss on a subject isn't excluding people. The discussion went round and round without a resolution other...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @withwonderingawe For me, the red flag is that the school doesn't seem to be able to meet the needs of children at different stages. My 4 year old is in a blended Pre-K and he's got a mix of classmates who are in different developmental places. He's reading anything that he can get his hands on...
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @ronniev Maybe it's a truth for you, but that runs counter to the experience of many. So many posts boiled down to "I have to work and don't have child care, how can I do that?" If they could do so with the blessing of their employers, they wouldn't have those types of posts.
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @grace4nan Yeah, I was going through it with a toddler and it was intense. I cannot do that and would certainly be fired if I tried that now, in 2023.
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @mvchante My city too. I've talked with another mom who was shocked that our kids were in the class year, when I explained the Dec 31 cut off.
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @joaa During the past year, the sub was inundated with posts about how to "work from home and not hire childcare for children who are not old enough to go to school." Eventually, the members and moderators got tired of the same posts and discussion. Most of the discussions boiled down to...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @olivemcr Yeah, I imagine this upcoming generation having an experience of "you're 18 and an adult, but you're also still a junior in high school." I have a summer birthday, so it's very surprising to hear parents talking about holding back May kids. The school year isn't even over at that...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @petrasophie Those reasons are why the public school system in my city doesn't allow redshirting. (You can of course go to private schools, but that's on your own dime)