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  1. J

    EFF in a “Baby-Friendly Hospital” - how to prepare?

    @herooftheday Definitely call and ask what they'll provide you with and plan accordingly. My "baby-friendly" hospital had RTF bottles with disposable nipples available and I got no push-back from our nurses about formula feeding. I got some mild crap from the hospital pediatrician, but I told...
  2. J

    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @swissmade Hard same. I'm considered low risk by nearly every metric - healthy weight, varied balanced diet, regular exercise - and I still got a rager of a case. I failed the 1 hour by 4 points, but failed the 3 hour miserably. We hypothesized that, because I'm hypoglycemic when I'm not...
  3. J

    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @cookiedion79 That's a possibility. One of my personal pet hypotheses is that because the X chromosome is hardier to stress than the Y chromosome, sperm in general are much less tolerant of stress than the egg, and we can assume that would-be fathers are undergoing the same environmental...
  4. J

    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @aldredian We discussed this a bit in one of my genetics courses. A stressed mother is more likely to conceive XX offspring, while the normal species distribution tends to be 51/49 in favor of XY offspring. We're not sure whether this translates into an increased rate of miscarriage in XY...
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    I’m really struggling with guilt

    @rohanakumara That is a blatant misapplication of natural selection. "Nature" doesn't care if individual babies live or die, only population-level survival. It is normal and expected that, in the absence of interventions such as formula, babies would either be wet nursed by relatives/community...