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    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    @remnant502 Thank so so much for sharing your experience. Yes we have something similar to crèche here at one of the gyms I used to go to prior to getting pregnant. Maybe I’ll do that once I stop breastfeeding and join a gym to workout. Like you said, I’ll focus on building muscle for now. :)
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    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    @truthinlight These are all very good points. Yes, my baby naps, but we are still doing contact naps. And when he goes to bed, we all three go to bed together. I think I’ll focus on building muscle for now until I’m done breastfeeding.
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    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    @kiran Oh nice! I just looked her up. I’ll try one of her workouts this week. Thanks so much for sharing that with me.
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    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    @rbministries Ahhh good point. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m in that boat of thinking I need to consume a lot of calories for supply but maybe I don’t. Haha. I’m trying to cut out the continuous snacking. I’ll focus on protein and my water intake. And moving my body of course ;).
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    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    Happy Monday, everyone. I’m in some serious need of guidance. When I met my husband 6 years ago I was in really good shape. I was working out weekly and eating relatively healthy. At the time of meeting him I was about 143lbs. During our early years of courtship, we eat out a lot and let’s...