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  1. C

    I knew the baby shower would be bad, but I never could have anticipated this ..

    @raving4him Nobody knows what this feels like unless they have dealt with it themselves. You’re so strong for having gone and sat there for as long as you did! I tried to go to a friend’s christening and couldn’t even do that! I had a panic attack. I always feel like everyone is thinking “why...
  2. C

    I knew the baby shower would be bad, but I never could have anticipated this ..

    @mizpahde I have also tried opening up to friends, but sometimes they just don’t understand, and in turn, make it worse. I have two friends who got pregnant after 2 and 3 months of trying. When I explained that I have been trying for almost 2 years, the one who tried for 2 months said, “ugh...