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  1. V

    Advice on Financial Goals before TTC

    @roars Thank you for your response! We could stay in our apartment.... it’s a one bedroom but has a big bedroom and there’s a little nook where a rocking chair/playpen/toys could go. Not perfect, not impossible. The one thing that makes it hard is we have a puppy and not having a yard has been...
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    Advice on Financial Goals before TTC

    @mandapanda Not preachy at all! I agree that having the debt is bad. We paid off a significant chunk this winter but thought about switching focus to savings.... but perhaps that was the wrong tack. I appreciate the input and help! :)
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    Advice on Financial Goals before TTC

    @mandapanda Thanks for commenting! Yes, thankfully I have a friend with two little ones, and she has given me current daycare rates. We are saving over that amount per month total, but it’s going into various buckets (emergency fund, travel fund, house fund, car fund, kid fund). If we put it all...
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    Advice on Financial Goals before TTC

    Hello all- I’m feeling particularly down about waiting today since my husband and I looked at our budget last night and there’s SO much to save it feels like we will never be financially ready for a baby. For some context: We’re both 30, working decent jobs (but I work at a nonprofit soooo...
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @1stjohn0666 Haha well the cruise to Alaska was with my family, and not the typical trip! But it was certainly nice. In-law trips tend to be renting a house somewhere. Still nice though!
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @1stjohn0666 Since my son was born 3 years ago we’ve only done trips with family or to see family 😬 A big reason is cost… we can either stay with family or if we go somewhere new with family our parents usually subsidize the lodging & food. Plus, then we have extra hands to help with the...