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  1. P

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @hesychiaaa No, due to his needs we have no one that is willing to take him on overnights (he still wakes up every 1-2hrs and needs help going back to sleep due to his autism.)
  2. P

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @jwroe There are no camp options. We live in a very rural community (less than 2,000 people and over 1.5hrs drive to the next town). He will be in T-Ball but that’s only 1hr twice a week in the evenings. Besides that our town offers no options for kids in the summer.
  3. P

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @dierato Exactly. I would much rather go back to the 1-4 year age.
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    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @ncdavis I definitely need to work on getting him involved. His autism makes it difficult for him to understand and safely help while the ADHD keeps him extremely hyperactive and disregulated. But this is something I can work on. Thank you!
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    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @jonathanluthfi He definitely has infinite energy. Our town is less than a mile by mile size so we walk almost everywhere. We only use cars in the winter.
  6. P

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @kimmac23 We would love to move but the current economy its not an option for at least the next few years. We cannot afford to move to a new house or rent at the current rates in any larger towns. We tried in January/February to look at moving to where family is but I cannot work due to a...
  7. P

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    I know that even if son had a sibling it’s not a promise they would have played together but parenting an only child who is spirited is tiring. My son also has ADHD and high-functioning autism. Child will be 7 in June and still won’t do anything alone. He would rather follow me around while I...