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  1. S

    37 years old, 37 + 1 day, FTM

    @jakesmith99 Phew!! So right after posting, I rallied and walked with my brother to get breakfast. What is it about writing something out for others to read that motivates us? It’s almost like some made up accountability that I created in my head. It was really hot, but the walk was only 20...
  2. S

    37 years old, 37 + 1 day, FTM

    @jesking This is comforting. Thank you!
  3. S

    37 years old, 37 + 1 day, FTM

    I’m finding it so hard to move, get any sort of exercise. I live in the hottest part of the country, so I’m often inside. By the time 4PM hits most of my body hurts. Sure, I could find the discipline to wake up early enough, because that’s when I have energy. But I distract myself with household...
  4. S

    My 5 1/2 Week Old Won’t Sleep Unless We Hold Him

    @testallthings Try the solly wrap or those dad shirts with a pocket. How soon after you feed to you put baby down? Your LO might need more stimulation and is not super tired when being put down. Or needs to get burped a little more. Also this is the beginning of the 6 week sleep regression...