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    Moving baby to crib after NICU

    Also just to add that we used a travel crib in our room once our eldest (full term and big baby) outgrew his bassinet but was too young to be in his own room. We plan to do similar with our preemie but as he’s much smaller we have more time.
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    Moving baby to crib after NICU

    @kckpriest Where I live the guidance is to keep preemies in your bedroom until 6 months past their original due date
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    I’m conflicted about Mother’s Day…

    @robertadev Wedding dress shopping for one and bachelorette party the following year!
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    I’m conflicted about Mother’s Day…

    @snyder502 My first two mother’s days were spent on pre-wedding events for my childless best friend. I didn’t want to miss her events so we just celebrated Mother’s Day a different day. My husband did a whole set up. It worked for us!
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @imystery Wow, go you for nursing twins for a year! That’s very impressive. Thanks for sharing your experience.
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @flyingmaguro Thank you, that’s really interesting! Feeding pre-bath is a very good idea for reducing the feed to sleep association.
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @brione Thanks for sharing! My baby rarely goes longer than an hour other than the first stretch of sleep so it’s interesting to hear from someone else with similar.
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @riley88 Thank you for sharing! Congrats on your champion napper and well done for still managing 3 night feeds.
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @dwhite081705 Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I’m day weaning soon as I’ll be back at work, and am curious what to expect if my supply doesn’t hold for night feeds. If you don’t mind sharing, what was the transition like when you first weaned? Were your babies confused or waking...
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    Hello! I’d be interested to hear from Mums who breastfed past 6 months about what sort of frequency of night feeding you saw from your little one around 6 months onwards. Extra details on whether you’re bedsharing, room sharing or in separate rooms would also be v interesting. Also curious to...