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  1. T

    PUPD method- why not? Opinion needed!

    @billthecableman Agree with this sooooo much. People have such a skewed perspective on how babies are supposed to sleep. I always find it funny (interesting?) when I see someone describe their “awful sleeper” who has “just always been a terrible, no good, very bad sleeper” and then they…...
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    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    @presvytera Oh no, this made my stomach drop. I think back to my first nanny job at 18, and how they had me place the baby belly down at 3 months because she slept better that way. I didn’t know any better! Thankfully nothing happened. But gosh, named after the uncle who died of SIDS and...
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    Just my critique of that day care Medium article that is always circulating this sub as it relates to nannies and familial care

    @freebytruthjohn832 The article starts off saying not to read it if that’s your only option…
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @sarebear1992 Yup, US maternal support could be improved… but if breastfeeding is actually important to you, you can absolutely make changes prior to even conceiving a baby to make sure you’re more easily able to do so. Though when most babies aren’t planned in the first place, can’t really...
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @sarebear1992 Currently tandem nursing a 4 month old & a 24 month old. I am well aware of what it takes and the ways people do or don’t accommodate for that. It’s unrealistic if you don’t want to make changes to do it, sure. The fact that most people choose the easier route doesn’t mean the...
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @sarebear1992 It literally takes maybe 10 min a day to nurse my 2 year old lol. Not sure how that’s unrealistic for “women in the modern world” or whatever but toddlers (particularly 15+ months) do not nurse much at all.
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @angel_sword The vast majority of mothers you meet won’t even have nursed 3 whole months. Of COURSE they’re going to tell you it isn’t that important to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is the one area on this sub where we are supposed to be quiet about the science (and suspend common sense)eat...
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    Food prep and simplifying home

    @caleb23 Ahh gotcha. Well cutting fresh and freezing in cubes of stock works well for me! I just pop one in before anything else, let it melt and sauté with butter a little, then add more broth and whatever other veggies/meat/noodles etc. It saves a lot of time!
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    Food prep and simplifying home

    @caleb23 Really? Not sure what area you’re in but I have seen it fresh at Kroger, Meijer, Trader Joe’s, and Whole Foods! For some reason I have more trouble finding it frozen, which is why I make stock cubes with hand cut mirepoix since that’s usually more useful than fresh.
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    Food prep and simplifying home

    @caleb23 If I’m pressed for time I buy frozen or fresh mirepoix (chopped celery, onion, carrots. sometimes there’s other combos mixed in too.) to make lentil soup, butternut squash soup, etc. Another option is to cut and freeze some mirepoix mixes in stock cubes myself if I have the time for...