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  1. K

    The "R&D" stage of waiting - my experience so far and a few questions for the Brain's Trust (Australia)

    @learning4viv My doctor has me taking both Vitamin D and Elevit too. I think the Elevit only has a small amount of Vitamin D in it. The genetic results were fine. I'm a carrier, but my husband isn't, so there isn't a high chance of me passing it on. Nothing to worry about there. I've been...
  2. K

    The "R&D" stage of waiting - my experience so far and a few questions for the Brain's Trust (Australia)

    @learning4viv I am also Australian and it sounds like we're in exactly the same headspace with regards to planning for conception. A few months ago we started the process and I needed the MMR vaccine again because I wasn't immune to Mumps. Glad we found that out now and not when we were wanting...