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  1. D

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @highonluna I’m very private about my ttc journey. I refuse to tell my mom, partly because she liter tells everyone everything, and I don’t want a bunch of random people I don’t know being aware of such private business, and also because my mom is overbearing and judgmental and I don’t need her...
  2. D

    AMH and AFC? Are they correlated? + hysteroscopy Q

    @judd04 Unless I am a rare exception, you AMH levels and AFC aren’t correlated. My AFC was on the low end (not alarmingly low, just not what it should be), but my AMH is “beautiful” (my drs words, not mine lol) and at the level of a 25 year old. As for your hysteroscopy question, I really do not...