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  1. G

    Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

    @lsltylrs01 Newmans ointment
  2. G

    When is baby *not* going through regression

    @sungw Dude once I realized baby sleep is FOREVER changing I stopped thinking my kid was broken.
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    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @ufekevom Nursing to sleep and whatever else you have going that is working for you keep it up. There are more gentle ways of transitioning out of cosleeping.But night time cosleeping you should Listen to you partner it’s not working for him anymore.
  4. G

    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @ptimhoff Keep track of the times he sleeps and wakes for a few days that’s your rough schedule of what to expect. Don’t get caught up in what the internet says about wake windows and whatever else. Every human is different. Sometimes I found I was doing too much w my LO. It’s okay to feed...