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  1. E

    Will I ever sleep again? 🫠

    @advikasharma I hadn’t been doing that initially but would get super engorged in my other breast between feedings. She will unlatch so on those feedings I may not have worn my Hakka and will offer her the 2nd breast after changing diaper/if she wake up and stays awake on transferring her to sleep.
  2. E

    Will I ever sleep again? 🫠

    @jwray No she won’t take a pacifier either. Reacts to it like the bottle- with total disgust 🙃
  3. E

    Will I ever sleep again? 🫠

    I had my 2nd daughter 5 weeks ago. I did not get to EBF my 1st daughter and ended up exclusively pumping for 1 year. Of course that has its pros and cons but the pros included dad getting to do overnight feedings and getting to leave the house for more than 2 hours. My 5 week old is EBF and will...