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  1. G

    Frustration at Math as a parent of a Trans student

    @looseleeroy Thank you and I will!
  2. G

    Frustration at Math as a parent of a Trans student

    @godspell The whole "Dude you're only in 7th grade" issue has come up. His counselor is on the ball with that portion. Whatever the dad version of Karen is, I've already done it last year. The principal knows I am up in arms. It's the whole "the math teacher is technically not a under me"...
  3. G

    Frustration at Math as a parent of a Trans student

    This is mostly a vent post. For those of you who haven't followed me: tl:dr is that Mother (now ex wife) decided one drunken day to try to arrange a kidnapping assault (i would argue murder). cops laughed it off. I self reported CPS, and they took it seriously. For two years I have been a...