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  1. M

    Wife suddenly wants me to work part time - I disagree (T-minus 2 months)

    @sumune37 You guys sound like you have a great plan. Try to focus on that. What you’re pulling off at work sounds ideal. I remember feeling similarly, like I’d never want my kid in daycare. My feelings changed quickly. Being home everyday with your kid is hard. I’ve done two multi month stints...
  2. M

    Wife suddenly wants me to work part time - I disagree (T-minus 2 months)

    @sumune37 I’d encourage you and your wife to focus on covering shorter term childcare needs, and not worry about pre-k yet. It’s totally normal for your wife to be behaving this way - literally every hormone in her body is telling her to. How much time is she taking off at birth? Do you have...