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  1. G

    I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

    @christiancentipede No I read about that too. But I’m not going to hold one video against him especially because he acknowledged it, apologized for it, and has tried to remove it every time it comes up. Plus, he’s an entertainer, it’s not like he’s running for President and we hold him to a...
  2. G

    I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

    @vel Seriously! Out of pure curiosity (and because my son LOVES him), I googled him....and this mf-er was valued at $40 million in 2020!! His story was actually pretty impressive--from the very beginning, he set out to create a business and he thought out every single aspect of his image (the...