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  1. M

    My sister's bio mom is trying to guilt my sis because bio parents weren't in the paper

    @andrusjarv thank you. I am just so furious that now is the time this person decides she is my sis's mom. and then throws a f&*(&g guilt trip on her over the obituary. how ridiculous and selfish.
  2. M

    My sister's bio mom is trying to guilt my sis because bio parents weren't in the paper

    @doubledogdare I know. I was really worried H would be really messed up by this but she seemed like it was no big deal. it could be that I offered to "make her problem disappear" as in I know a swamp and how to use power tools. it made her laugh which is what I was aiming for. I have watched...
  3. M

    My sister's bio mom is trying to guilt my sis because bio parents weren't in the paper

    TLDR my baby sisters bio mom wants attention so she is being mean to my sister and I want to do mean things to bio mom. this is a throw away. if you recognize some of this please keep it to yourself;) trigger/content warning...mention of suicide and infant death people mentioned: sis=H...