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  1. S

    I feel like such a dolt (5w 5d)

    @bushido8000 Thanks. It's (oddly? or totally not odd?) reassuring to hear that other people would handle this with as much/little grace and composure as I've been. Even is it is/was a chemical pregnancy I think I could handle that better than this uncertainty and confusion. It's exhausting...
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    I feel like such a dolt (5w 5d)

    @littlestar777 I've had two good cries, put on my big girl panties and saw the doc again. First blood test today to see what's what, and again tomorrow and Thursday. Feel better. Feel at least like I'm doing something. Thus Dr. was wonderful, took the time to talk about chemical pregnancies...
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    I feel like such a dolt (5w 5d)

    @cchipss New mantra for the day (week/life), its okay to ask for tests about my own health, even if they end up being negative. Going to keep repeating that to myself, hopefully feel better. Thank you :)
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    I feel like such a dolt (5w 5d)

    Got BFP 2 weeks ago, was surprised/confused because I'd just had what thought was AF, and all BFN before that. Went to Dr, who had me poas BFN. Sent me home. Went home confused, poas, BFP, the most obvious one of the lot. Sigh. So I've been sitting here at home getting both BFP, BFN, and...