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  1. B

    Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

    @patric7olicoe Not everyone agrees with everything being "gender neutral" until a kid is old enough to say they are a boy or girl or nonbinary. Some people want to have a name picked out early- my kids first name was decided within an hour of getting the NIPT results. My kid was born with a...
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @merekas I wanted to be a stay at home mom, 100%. However, our area and situation would have made it a necessity. We live in a daycare 'desert' (ONE licensed day care in the entire county, only has space for less than 10 infants), I wouldn't even be bringing $80 per week home after taxes...
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    Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

    @asupersquirrel My doctor used a company called Counsyl for NIPT. I requested it, because I wanted the reassurance of the possibilities of genetic abnormalities. Check out which company you want to use/your doctor recommends because many offer low cost to those who ask because they want people...
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @kathypdoe In this instance my kid was being loud and obviously did not sound happy (speech delayed, wasnt saying actual words at this age, not even "no") and I was trying to explain in toddler terms what I was trying to do. Even if this person was only offering to help distract, still don't...
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @trandraskell Took my son into the restroom at Barnes & Noble because he needed a diaper change when he was about 1.5. My kid has sensory processing disorder, and hated diaper changes so he wasn't exactly being quiet. Some random lady comes in and shouts "do you need help? I can help you."...
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    Shorter parents, do y’all worry about your son’s eventual height and whether or not it will prevent him from marrying if he so desires?

    @phillip2015 I only worry about my son being short because the world is not built with short people in mind. General health and nutrition can play a big role in final height. To give an idea on how weird genetics can be: I am very short: 4'10". My dad stands about 5'8ish, while my mom is...
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    I’ve been 17 for 3 months, and I still haven’t solved a single integration. Did I disappoint my parents?

    @gazenhauser As a woman in her 30's, there was a large amount of relief reading the comments of others who do not know how to do this or even know what it means. I knew it had something to do with math, but my knowledge ended there. You're fine, kid. Just keep doing your best.