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    No preschool?

    @ulyss Maybe it will expand to the entire state, but I know in NYC, it was a recent thing where 3K was opened to more families, regardless of income and now, all families are guaranteed a 4K spot. Preschool has been wonderful. My son is currently enrolled in 4k in a top rated elementary school...
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    No preschool?

    @ulyss I’m in queens. Sorry, my comment should have said New York City. Upk 3 and 4 used to be reserved for low income families but they’ve recently expanded to all families in nyc
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    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 In New York, there is free universal prek for ages 3 and 4, and it's optional. I do send my son to preschool and it's full time about 6 hours a day, five days a week. It was an adjustment at first but he's gotten used to it and loves it and he learns SO MUCH there! I think it's...
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    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @jaakk If that is the case, then sure, her husband should offer more help. But it sounds like just one child (“…to entertain THE child”)
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    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @freeinchrist1611 How long is your child in school for? My kid is in pre-k but it’s M-F, six hours a day. I do 90% cooking, cleaning, groceries, etc. I pick up and drop off kid, take care of him after school. I also do majority of his doctor appointments and all communication with the school. My...