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  1. C

    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    @ktgal Probably :( my brother has access to all of that and my mom likes to play the ignorance card
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    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    @okychris He has a phone, locked down like fort Knox lol he has access to YouTube kids and games but not much else. But I know my brother has tik tok, snap chat, regular YouTube, plays GTA (HUGE no in our house) etc. I'm an abuse victim so we have admittedly been pretty conservative. But we...
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    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    @nicole_m Definitely agree. The prime suspects are my younger brother and possibly his friend who lives in our old neighborhood (we moved but they still have play dates). But honestly, this is the crap my brother says and jokes about so im betting he's the culprit. But what perplexes me, when...
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    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    @fredbelieves She was there. She was the one who had to talk with him about it. I guess she didn't want to tell me because she didn't want him to get in trouble 🤦‍♀️ because Nana is a Nana? Idfk.
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    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    @huskysizeguy99 mom has never been what I deem to be involved in parenting. Both my younger brothers never get the discipline they need. She's always the "what? He said that? :0" but then does not actually deal out consequences. In contrast, my husband and I are a very strict but...
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    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    So my son (8) went to Florida with my mom and brother (10). My brother is kind of wild, has no social cues, and says stupid and inappropriate stuff. But my mom was with them and I didn't want my son to miss this. Overall it was great but they fought a lot. My son called and said 1. My brother...