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    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @bucktongrene Healthy baby boy in my arms right now ☺️
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    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 Good that they were doubling. I posted a study that showed you chances of success based on you beta at 16 dpo. I don’t know if that will help but it’s helped me when I’m doubting my doubling times
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    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 Yeah I totally understand your concern. Did you get any betas before that? Or will you get any more? I’m sorry you’re in this limbo. Only an ultrasound will tell you what’s going on.
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    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 What were your betas and what dpo were you?
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    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 Hi there, mine was initially doubling at 36 hours, then from 500 to 6000 is slowed to 47 hours, and from 6000 to 18000 about 76 hours. No idea what my outcome will be yet. What were your betas on dpo?