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    3% Morphology. Should we keep trying? (X-post still trying)

    @arester I assume that head defects mean they are going to where they need to go, but they have trouble penetrating the egg. And the defects are just the packaging, but the contents are normal.
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    3% Morphology. Should we keep trying? (X-post still trying)

    @katrina2017 I think we'll have to get one again when we see the fertility doctor. He's going to add some supplements and take colder showers and hopefully his sperm will be in better shape in three months! It's just alarming that the tails and midpiece are mostly fine, but the heads are almost...
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    3% Morphology. Should we keep trying? (X-post still trying)

    @ka__f Wow that is fantastic. I wonder if different issues mean different things? Like his was all head issues. I've read that disfigured heads can't properly burrow into the egg.
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    3% Morphology. Should we keep trying? (X-post still trying)

    @anzhen Thank you. We'll keep trying and do some small changes that hopefully improve our chances.
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    3% Morphology. Should we keep trying? (X-post still trying)

    My husband had a Kruger Normal Forms of 3%. Everything else was good: Ph 8.3 Concentration 36M/ml Count 147.6 million 55% motility But abnormal heads was 97%, abnormal midpiece 10%, abnormal tail 6% What are our monthly chances now? Should we just wait to see the fertility doc and stop...