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  1. B

    Help me eat lunch!

    @angel222 Prepped smoothies in the freezer, prepped salads in the fridge. I use packet tuna, hard boiled eggs and deboned rotisserie chicken as protein for the salad and also for slightly better snacks. I do a lot of meal prep on the weekends though so I just do those too, not sure if it will...
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    pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

    @potluck45 My kid (26 mo) took most of his naps with me. But guess what - he transitioned to naps on a floor mat fine with he started daycare and he is very independent and secure when he is away from me. If it works for your family, it works. It will change when it needs to. To me, the worst...
  3. B

    Floor bed for 4 month old: twin mattress?

    @glbpellum I would 100% go crib mattress for both height and firmness. Also, my son is 3 and still very easily sleeps on a crib mattress (his crib converted). I anticipate him staying in the same bed until at least 4. I mention this just to say it's going to get good use as an investment.