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  1. N

    Choosing School District

    @nyr94 Oh! Most definitely! But I have zero clue how to get that data. I'm in the district websites every week, but it's not there. And when I call or email the schools they don't pickup/respond. I asked parents and they told me that they won't interact with "future parents" till the kid is...
  2. N

    Choosing School District

    @katrina2017 Yikes. I'm sorry. I don't have that kind of money and he does. I'm afraid he'll take me to court and basically bankrupt me to "win" instead of thinking of the kiddo. This is such a nerve-racking situation.
  3. N

    Choosing School District

    Hi Everyone,Looking for advice on the following:I coparent with my ex. We have 50/50 legal and physical custody. Right now neither one of us is the "residential parent". I live in one city and the father lives in another. Our kiddo will start kindergarten in Sept 2025. Conversations around...