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  1. T

    It gets better

    @billycress I don’t think we’re totally in the clear but my little one is 7 weeks. Last week and early this week were so incredibly hard. He cried one day (varying levels of intensity) nearly from time he woke to bedtime. I felt like I had to be doing something wrong. Then, yesterday and today...
  2. T

    One month old ?hates napping

    @texfire316 I really think he is. His weight gain has been excellent (born a bit premature at 36w4d at 5 lb 15 oz) and weighed 9 lb 1 oz as of Tuesday. Actually went to a lactation group and pre and post weight indicated 3.2 oz transferred. That feed took about 45 mins but included the mid feed...
  3. T

    One month old ?hates napping

    I think my newborn has FOMO? He just does not seem to nap. Wondering if it’s just his personality or if I’m doing something wrong? Typical flow of the day is he wakes for the day around 6:30-7:00. As soon as he wakes up, he wants to eat. BF and then he’s awake. No nap. Wants to eat again...