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    My kid called me fat

    @solidengr When my kid was 4 (just a few months ago) she told me she wants a big bum, and when I asked why, she said so she could have a big bum like me. She has also called my tummy squishy, soft, round. They don’t know the implications of what they are saying. I’m an adult, of course my bum...
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    Nurse suggested diluting formula as measure against constipation in 7-week old - is this as bad of an idea as I think?

    @holy_venom95 Please do not do this. Formula is made with the balance of water and nutrients your baby needs. There are other things you can do to resolve conscription that don’t compromise the proper nourishment of your baby!
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    Progesterone 1-2 DPO is a level 6..? Is this good?

    @flamewind there is a link with more info on this post
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    Progesterone 1-2 DPO is a level 6..? Is this good?

    @flamewind Are you from the USA or elsewhere? One thing I didn't realize when I was looking for reference ranges online was that I had to convert my Canadian results to American when reading a lot of Tfab posts for comparison. Just FYI :)
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    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @jwesley I also personally wouldn’t. These years are few and precious, and as much as a partner says they are supportive, when they are on day 4 in a row of toddler meltdowns by themselves, I can see resentment being a challenge in the marriage. I am pro-career generally, especially for working...
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @fetorahjesuslibertarian I exclusively formula fed my first and will do so with my new baby due soon. In my province the guidance is to never give powdered formula to infants 3 months or younger as powdered formula can not be truly sterilized. The recommendation is ready to feed only. We use...