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    C-19 Vax

    @randypnw My wife was vaccinated while pregnant, no issues and our daughter is just a couple weeks shy of 6 months. I spoke to a friend of mine that’s been an L&D nurse for over 25 years. She said that while they don’t know the long term effects fully yet, they know they pregnant women are 5X...
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    Saved my daughters life when she was a baby

    @skcin7 They both do those things. They both reduce fever and reduce pain. Plus you can use them at the same time or alternatively. We have had times we the Dr advised to alternate between them, take Ibuprofen and 3 hours later take Tylenol and rinse and repeat. There are also times where they...
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    Should I leave my wife with a 2-mo old for a week?

    @younglite Like many others said, no. Plus, I live by the mantra: If you have to ask, the answer is no.
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    HCG levels

    @nyeung Essentially the HCG count should double every 48 hours or so. At least that was what we were looking for with my wife during the first several weeks of pregnancy.