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  1. I

    What does sleep through the night mean and when?

    @miltonjs To me it means that they don't require any parental intervention from bedtime until 10-12 hours later. My baby started STTN at 7.5 months once he was night weaned. He wakes up briefly in between sleep cycles sometimes and I'll see him change positions in his crib, but goes back to...
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    How many naps does your 8-9 month old take?

    @hamza189 My boy no longer naps in the stroller so this doesn't apply to us, but I know some people would keep them in the carrier/stroller for the entire nap. I extend via contact, so when my baby wakes up early, I'll pick him up and sit in the dark nursery until he falls back asleep on my chest.
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    How many naps does your 8-9 month old take?

    @abgchristian23 My baby will be 8 months next week and is currently transitioning to 2 naps. He's had 2 weeks of split nights, EMW of 4:30-5:30, and refusing naps/bedtime because he's undertired. Also all his naps suddenly became very short again and we were maxing out a 3 nap schedule (total...
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    8.5 mos & nursing 2-3x/night

    @jparadise Depends on if baby is already sleep trained or not. Mine did cry when I took him off the boob before he was finished but I just put him down and within a few minutes he was sucking on his hand and settling down - the sleep pressure is high enough still at 12-2am that if baby knows how...
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    8.5 mos & nursing 2-3x/night

    @17icarter I increased his solids intake (3 meals per day, 3-4 oz per meal, protein heavy for dinner - beans, avocado, meat, etc) and encouraged nursing every 2.5-3 hours during the day. My son was waking up to nurse at 12-2am and 4-5:30am. I weaned off the earlier feed first over a few days by...
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    8.5 mos & nursing 2-3x/night

    @deebouchie You're welcome! Glad you were able to get to the bottom of it and it's getting better 👍
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    8.5 mos & nursing 2-3x/night

    @deebouchie Is he reverse cycling? My baby picked up an extra night feed after his 6m growth spurt and then I started noticing he wasn't really interested in nursing upon waking up in the morning. He was nursing twice a night too. I ended up night weaning at 7.5m over 1.5-2 weeks to give him...