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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @brucepjr This is essentially what I do. I have a laundry basket in the kitchen, the kids’ room, and our room. Each one is washed when full, and is 80% already sorted. My main trick is that I don’t fold the kids’ clothes. Shirts are thrown in the shirts drawer. Pants in the pants drawer. Etc...
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    @churchgoer1124 Agree with all of this!
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    @josho SAHM currently due with our fourth, and I’ve been at home the whole 7 years of our marriage. I have full access to all of our accounts. I have my own card for each one, with my name on it, that lives in my wallet. Our system is that we discuss any expenditure over $100 (excluding...
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    Who should share a room?

    @silverblack59 Have you asked your kids if any of them want to share? My 5 and 2 year old want to but we don’t let them because they wreak havoc when they wake up in the morning. We had 2yo and infant together until 2yo learned to climb out of the crib, then swapped him into his own...