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    Kindergarten Red-Shirting

    @flip1992 Same. Also was a teacher. Though reading Richard Reeve’s book “Of Boys and Men” was what ultimately convinced me.
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    Kindergarten Red-Shirting

    @oblivionxx 💯 This is why I’m redshirting my son.
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    Kindergarten Red-Shirting

    @hilgard There’s also some good data on the advantages of being older for your cohort, so parents that can afford to redshirt often do it to give their kid maximum advantages. In wealthy districts this is the new normal.
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    B L U E Y

    @khouryn Sleepytime, Baby Race, Sticky Gecko
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    My daughter (4) washed my back

    @donkeyhead This didn’t come from nowhere. She treated you with love and kindness because that’s what you taught her.