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  1. H

    CIO for 4 mo. Remind me what I’m doing wrong ?!

    @gebphoenix Yup, sleep training is distinct from night weaning. If 4 month old baby can fall asleep independently and is waking crying, got to figure out if baby is hungry first. Offer food, establish pattern of feeding at night time then when baby's sleep and baby is old enough, plan for night...
  2. H

    How can I get my 8 month old sleeping in his crib? WITHOUT crying it out

    @galatians220lyric Read Precious Little Sleep. So many tools for helping baby sleep.
  3. H

    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @texco Less than a minute of crying tonight!! My mind is blown. What is this dark magic!?
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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @texco He fell asleep after 20 mins of crying tonight! Same kind of crying when my partner rocks him to sleep not me. I can hardly believe it. He also drank 650 ml of milk during the day so hoping he wakes less but wouldn’t put it past him to wake for more anyway.
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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @texco Thanks so much for your detailed reply. Re. #3 on how I did the checks, yes we checked during sustained crying only and reset the timer if his crying stopped. Although sometimes it felt like he took a break (maybe 3-5 seconds) to catch his breath before crying again and in those instances...
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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @paul500 Good point, I need to get better about logging exact sleep and awake time. He often wants to eat right before sleep or won’t go down easily so it extends his awake time for sure. His stamina for crying might be unparalleled. He cried for 35 mins today after rubbing his eyes and...
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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @paul500 I have a question: do I keep baby awake even if he is displaying sleepy cues (yawning, fussing eye rubbing) but isn’t at the end of his wake window? I do this regardless of his prior nap duration?
  8. H

    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    I started Ferber last night on my 17 week old baby boy. He has never slept in a crib always cried despite all my attempts. Here is how last night went: His daytime WW are 1.5-1.75h (together with yawning/eye rubs) with 3-4 contact naps of 0.5-1.5h for a total of 3h. Bedtime was 2h after last WW...