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  1. S

    I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

    @megbot Let him gloat. My ex did the same thing but what I know is that I bent over backwards so he would stay involved in our sons life. Letting him pick up on days that were mine so they could go to dinner with family even though he and his wife never let me do the same in return. I let him be...
  2. S

    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    @junipermints If he cancels, he forfeits his time. Unless you want to make your own arrangement for him to have a weekend then you can do that but there may come a day when you want to go according to the court order and that will be tricky when you've made so many accommodations for him to see...
  3. S

    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    @junipermints You can't force someone to be involved if they don't want to be. Even if he actually does want to be involved and is just unmotivated or unorganized, he needs to figure that out for himself.