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    How to support a gifted child?

    @aegisheart I was not labeled “gifted” growing up but I was in a large school system and always placed in the advanced classes with the gifted kids. Just FYI, many of my friends have gone on to have very average lives. So something to think about is that many gifted kids may excel when they are...
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    Guidance for limits in roaming privileges for a ten year old? Does my break-down of limits align with development?

    @notloveisnotjesus This could totally work. I, however, would be more comfortable talking my 10 year old through her plans day-by-day. These (the ones you give above) could be the ultimate boundaries that you have in mind but you don’t have to give her all of this freedom all at once and I do...
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    Needing to stop breastfeeding for medical reason

    @jhonkim I second the pelvic floor therapy and vaginal application of estrogen cream that some are suggesting. I also suggest backing WAY off on physical exercise (even standing). I had to take vaginal estrogen because of granuloma tissue growth/pain associated with healing. The body does...