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  1. S

    Supplements Pregnancy

    @felineitty I didn't see choline on your list. It's still an emerging area, but something for you to consider. I recommend the book " real food for pregnancy" by Lily Nichols. It has a more clinical and evidence based approach to prenatal...
  2. S

    How to deal with being away from your baby

    @henryjoshua As I approach 20 months post partum, I have to acknowledge that I had some pp anxiety that has since mellowed. I did find it hard to be away from my baby or to trust others with her. It got easier with practice. I am lucky to have people who do deserve my trust to take care of her...
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    6 weeks old, and I’m ready to crumple

    @zushimaru How long is each nap or how much total daytime sleep?