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  1. D

    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    @scottd Thank you! She's had regular highish blood pressure from the beginning, and had been really spiking at the end. Though there were no other symptoms, docs wanted to induce at 39 weeks to get ahead of preeclampsia.
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    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    @rakumume Thank you!
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    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    @bccoachwaelti Thank you! I cannot wait!
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    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    @chun Thank you! 13 hours and not much progress so far, but the nurses are the best, and it is pretty calm.
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    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    @fagosflasy Thank you!!!
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    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    Hi all, Wife has just hit 39 weeks, with some rising blood pressure of late (no other issues). So they sent us off to Labor and Delivery and we are now just waiting to start the induction process! I've been lurking here for almost two years, through two tough miscarriages, and now 9 mostly...