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  1. P

    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @paul500 Oh i don’t think he needs 3 hour wake windows! I can try earlier. Thanks!
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @paul500 I can only be mindful of wake windows if he’ll actually fall asleep when he “should”. Which he won’t. Not on me. Not when feeding. Not in the stroller. Not until he’s good and ready which can be hours and hours 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @mualahartik Thank you!
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @angelonline Thanks for all the suggestions!!
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @katvan1969 Nah it happens all the time unfortunately!
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @katvan1969 I have! And it sometimes helps. But he often just spits it out.
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @angelicawhite Fingers crossed we’re both through the worst of it!
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @god2good4me You’re right - I think I am getting caught up in the internet. You can see even in this thread lots of people are telling me it’s just because I’m missing his tired cues and not following wake windows. It’s hard. I have been surprised a few times when he’s fallen asleep on his...
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    I want to start out by saying I know I can’t sleep train my 6 week old. And I don’t want to. I know it’s biologically normal for babies this age to need to be held/fed to sleep. Except… it doesn’t work. I feed him till he’s asleep and stops sucking. Then I take him off and he’s wide awake...