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    6 y.o. advised to get 8 crowns! What the what!?

    @on_a_mission_ Definitely get a second opinion but don't tell them that's what you're there for otherwise they might say the same thing but just give you a deal.
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    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    @2bhealed I like the Sweat app a lot. There are three post pregnancy programs and a slew of others. Your baby naps right? That's a good time to work out. When you partner gets home from work, that's a good time to workout. After baby goes to sleep for the night, that's a good time to workout...
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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @cataline Okay. Well I will be here with my science and you can be there with... whatever is you believe.
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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @cataline You must be miscalculating your calories or overestimating your caloric needs per day. I have heard of women you can't lose weight until they finished breastfeeding so that could be your case.
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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @kristalyn Because you're eating more calories than your body is burning.
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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @kristalyn I think there is a big misconception that weight gained during pregnancy will just melt away. Some of it will but to lose the rest diet and exercise are the only ways to move it.
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    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter I plan on going back to work once my kid is in school full-time. You don't have to be a STAP until they graduate high school.
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    New SAHM depression

    @heremiah No shame in depression medication. Also, you can try more natural remedies like incorporating regular exercise and maintaining a good diet. Being around nature/plants also has been proven to help so visit a greenhouse when your husband is off work or buy some indoor plants.