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  1. N

    Hi! I'm looking for help\recommendations for a replacement for my son's sensory toy! Any help appreciated!

    @jesussoldier according to the Babybel FAQ, it is a blend of paraffin and micro-crystalline waxes. Not sure what kind of micro-crystalline waxes. Paraffin wax is pretty easy to come by. It's the micro-crystalline wax that is more difficult to come by.
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    Q/A for parents: Transitioning from crib to big kid bed

    @pederson07 We went from a crib to a twin size bed once they looked too long for the crib, or were climbing out of the crib. Usually between 2 and 3. The transition wasn't too bad. My boys were already good sleepers, so they didn't really get up to play with toys/wander in the middle of the night.
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    I’ve been 17 for 3 months, and I still haven’t solved a single integration. Did I disappoint my parents?

    @gazenhauser is 17 the magic age where you suddenly understand math concepts? If so, I got skipped over. To answer your question: As a parent, I would not be disappointed in my child for not having the skills. I would only be disappointed if they gave up and stopped trying.
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    How many every day shoes for 9y/o?

    @minh My rough and tumble kids have 2 pairs of sneakers at any given time. 1 pair as indoor shoes for school, 1 for outdoor. Then they get winter boots as well. Cuz Canada. The most worn pair gets replaced every 6-8 months, and the new pair becomes the indoor shoe at school.