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  1. B

    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    @finita I am very glad you're getting spoiled! It's what you deserve! I just wish fathers could step up a bit so every mother could feel that way :)
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    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    @finita Yeah, different life experiences, maybe, but it does seem kind of wildly insane to me. Surely they remember their own Dad helping them to celebrate mothers day when they were a kid (unless their Dads were also deadbeats)? Even that aside, I feel like it's just a basic level of care...
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    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    @monowhite I hope you find a way to mention it or just sneakily show them post! Fingers crossed they can make it up to you or go all out next year :)
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    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    @pastorjeremiah Yeah totally, it's a timely reminder how we can often live in a bit of a bubble.
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    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    @sherryfl Jesus, the fact that this needs to be posted and has so many upvotes is incredibly sad.